
1. Hegel H190:这是一款挪威品牌的全新一体化功放(fàng),拥有150瓦的功率输出,内置高品质的DAC芯片和网络流媒体播放(fàng)功能,可以直接控制Tidal和Spotify等流行音乐服务。
2. Rega Elex-R:这是一款英国品牌的高保真功放(fàng),拥有90瓦的功率输出,採(cǎi)用了优质的放(fàng)大器电路和高品质的元器件,可以提供出色的中高频表现和强有力的低频响应。
3. Rotel RA-1572:这是一款日本品牌的高保真功放(fàng),拥有120瓦的功率输出和多种输入选项,採(cǎi)用了电子平衡(EQ)技术和多重电源设计,可以提供出色的音质表现和可靠的性能。

1.?"You have to do the thing you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt
2.?"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill
3.?"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs
4.?"Inspiration is contagious. When you are inspired, you inspire others." - Wayne Dyer
5.?"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
6.?"If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein
7.?"The harder you work, the luckier you get." - Samuel Goldwyn
8.?"Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson
9.?"A bend in the road is not the end of the road...unless you fail to make the turn." - Martin Luther King Jr.
10.?"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln